【Declaration Notice】False claims regarding to LifeHub financing plan in China

This information serves to deny the false claims that have recently been published via several news/media channels regarding to our financing plan in China. These information did not originate from a LifeHub official source. Any queries relating to this matter should be directed to our CEO (Hong Kong) at kenneth.wathall@thelifehub.com.
有鑑於最近多個新聞/媒體渠道發佈有關於我們中國融資計劃的虛假新聞。現作出以下聲明 : 這些信息並非來自 LifeHub 官方來源。 如有任何與此相關的問題,請發送電子郵件至 kenneth.wathall@thelifehub.com 聯繫我們香港的行政總裁。