

我們的腸道健康很容易被我們攝入的毒素破壞。它們可以從我們吃的食物、我們喝的水、牙膏等產品和牙科填充物進入我們的消化系統。一旦進入腸道,它們就會阻止營養吸收,引起炎症,並干擾消化和排泄的順利進行。 免疫系統都發揮舉足輕重的作用。.
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Unfortunately, our gut health is easily disrupted by toxins that we ingest. They can get into our digestive system from the food we eat, water we drink, products like toothpastes, and dental fillings. Once in the gut, they block nutrient absorption, cause inflammation, and interfere with smooth digestion and excretion.


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