
為您的健康生活 注入更多能量

Mark Hyman博士進分享靜脈輸液的好處

“很多朋友從事功能醫學的朋友都經歷了自己的康復危機。對我來說,這是 30 年前由於我住在中國時中水銀毒導致的大腦和身體全面崩潰。對於我的好朋友兼功能醫學博士 Elizabeth Boham 來說,儘管已經接受了許多健康生活的原則,但在 30 歲時被診斷出患有三陰性乳腺癌。這些經歷讓我們希望透過幫助他人在最深層次上痊癒,這讓我們都擁有使用功能醫學以及食物和生活方式選擇來真正治癒的力量。

在 The Doctor's Farmacy醫學上,Boham 博士與 Mark Hyman 博士一起討論尋找疾病的根本原因意味著什麼,我們實踐的原則如何像營養點滴上做到這一點,以及為什麼高劑量補充劑會非常有用” 



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蘊含高劑量的維他命 C 及其他關鍵的營養素,有助支持免疫系統,防止細胞受損及抵抗外敵入侵。







Gaile Lok

``Lately I’ve been always on the go, little stressed and having poor sleep. Since the drip I feel much more energised, my skin is glowing, hair shinier and I instantly felt a lightness. I’m not really a needle person but this was definitely worth it”

World’s Top 100 DJs - Carta aka Giorgio Carta

“I choose to do my NAD+ IV drip in LifeHub only even I always travel around the world.” Carta believes that NAD+ is vital in helping the body to deal with his hectic DJ schedule. “I can really feel the difference after having NAD+.”

Amanda Strang

As a busy celebrity, Amanda needs her nutrients to keep her energy level up while looking fabulous😎✨ Her go-to choice is SkinGlow IV drips. Not only can it boost energy, it can also strengthen immune systems 🤧

Sara Keate

Why NAD+ is everywhere at the moment and why it’s important? This isn’t about looking younger - it’s about ageing as best as we can. As we age, the cell renewal process declines - leading to a host of issues.This is all fine and normal, it’s obviously fine to age - but we can support the process to look and feel better for longer.NAD+ is the key to this!!


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